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NCCC, for which aiESG is in charge of AI analysis and evaluation of soil organic carbon, etc., receives the "Sustainable Finance Award".


(aiESG; Head office: Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City; Representative Director: Shunsuke Umanagi; hereafter "aiESG") is the first AI start-up company in academia providing consulting cloud services for product and service level supply chain ESG analysis and evaluation. We are pleased to announce that the Natural Capital Credit Consortium (NCCC), a general incorporated association of which President Manaki serves as Chairman and aiESG is in charge of the AI analysis area of activities, has won the Grand Prize at the 10th Sustainable Finance Awards.

About the Natural Capital Credit Consortium (NCCC)

NCCC was established to realize a decarbonized society through the activation of the carbon credit market by measuring, assessing, and crediting the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by natural capital such as forests, agricultural land, and ocean resources through the use of technology. (

The awarded project is an initiative that aims to contribute to J-credits in the future and build a Japan-originated voluntary carbon market (hereinafter referred to as VCM). The unused space of the solar power generation facility was converted to grassland, and credits were generated through CO₂ fixation in the soil. aiESG established a method for measuring soil organic carbon (SOC) fixation to improve transparency and reliability of data, which is a challenge for carbon projects, and also utilized satellite image analysis and AI technology. aiESG was in charge of the evaluation and analysis of pioneering efforts to improve the quality of credits by establishing a measurement method for Soil Organic Carobon (SOC) and utilizing satellite image analysis and AI technology.

About the Sustainable Finance Awards

The Sustainable Finance Grand Prize is an annual award presented by the Research Institute for Environment and Finance (RIEF) since 2015, and is the earliest award system established in the field of sustainable finance, ESG, and other fields. Experts in both the environmental and financial fields select financial institutions, companies, and related organizations that have been active in Japan's environmental and sustainable finance market that year, based on both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Unlike awards recognized by industry associations or government offices, this award is highly regarded as an award with a distinctive feature that is decided by consensus, based on a quantitative evaluation by independent experts scoring in six fields and a comprehensive judgment by a panel of judges based on a qualitative evaluation. (

The award ceremony will be held on January 20 (Mon.) at the Japan Press Club Press Conference Hall in Uchisaiwaicho, Tokyo.

The jury for this case is as follows

  • Ryuta Uozumi, President, Uozumi Sustainability Institute
  • Izumi Sato, Attorney at Law
  • Sayuri Shirai, Professor, Keio University
  • Takejiro Sueyoshi, Special Advisor, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
  • Hideki Takada, Executive Director, Green Finance Network
  • Rintaro Tamaki, President, International Finance Information Center
  • Reiko Toritani, Member of the Steering Committee, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan
  • Yoshihiro Fujii, Representative Director, Environmental Finance Research Institute
  • Mr. Ryuichi Horie, President, CSR Design Environment Investment Advisors
  • Tomomi Miyazaki, former Asahi Shimbun reporter

About aiESG Corporation (aiESG)

aiESG is a start-up company originating from academia, mainly Kyushu University, that aims to realize a sustainable society through comprehensive ESG analysis and assessment of products and services using cutting-edge AI technology and a solid research track record. Utilizing neutral and socially reliable methods based on its long track record, including joint research and reporting with international organizations, the company has developed ESG analysis and assessment consulting services that trace back the entire supply chain, as well as aiESG Flow, a cloud service that supports companies' self-driven efforts to assess and improve ESG, We also develop and provide "aiESG Flow," a cloud service that supports the self-drive of companies engaged in ESG assessment and improvement.

Click here to visit our corporate website (Japanese only)

About Us

Company name: aiESG Co.
Head Office: NMF Hakata Ekimae Bldg. 2F, 1-15-20 Hakata Ekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
Representative Director : Shunsuke Managi
CEO : Daikichi Seki
Business : ESG analysis business at the product/service level
HP :
Establishment : July 2022

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact: aiESG Public Relations, Inc. 

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