
Deep digging,


aiESG updates its ESG analysis.
All-encompassing and comprehensive ESG analysis, including human rights-related indicators, such as forced labour and child labour, on a product and service basis.

With its own AI,
ESG analysisChanging the landscape of the


The ESG analysis service provided by aiESG combines a reliable database developed by a Kyushu University research team in collaboration with internationally authoritative academic institutions such as Harvard University, with aiESG's independently developed AI to enable analysis from more sophisticated and diverse perspectives than with existing services. The service is designed to provide more sophisticated analysis from a variety of perspectives compared to existing services.

Product and service units,
High definition x Comprehensive
ESG analysis.

A world first, from Japan.

aiESG's ESG analysis enables, for the first time in the world, a comprehensive environmental, social and economic assessment of each product or service, tracing back to the entire supply chain. It supports corporate activities in the coming era, when all stakeholders will demand ESG commitments.

Select aiESG,
reason(after a noun, used as a godan verb) there is ...

ESG assessment of products and services, looking at the end of the supply chain.


By simply entering the cost or usage data of the materials used in a product or service, aiESG's ESG analysis visualises and quantifies the situation for each item in the unit of the product or service to be investigated, based on the supply chain big data held by aiESG. In addition, for each ESG item, it is possible to trace back to the end of the supply chain and visualise and identify areas of high risk as hotspots. aiESG is the only service in the world that can conduct such comprehensive ESG assessments at the product and service level. (*1)

Comprehensive ESG items


In addition to indicators such as greenhouse gas emissions, which can be measured with conventional services, aiESG can measure ESG burden in approximately 3,200 items, including forced labour, child labour, gender equality, biodiversity, air pollution and mineral resources. It is also possible to customise original assessment indicators by combining these items.

Solid scientific method


aiESG's analytical methodology is based on reliable research results from an academic perspective accumulated over many years by the Kyushu University ESG Research Team, to which the representative authors of the UN report and the IPCC belong. In addition, the third-party certification of the ESG-related academic organisation, the Institute of Metrology and Sustainability Studies, guarantees neutrality and social trust.

ESG label certification compliance

By using the services provided by aiESG, it is possible to obtain the CARE certification, which indicates the level of ESG excellence for each product or service, through a review by a certification body (the Institute of Metrology and Sustainability Studies) in accordance with international standards and guidelines. This enables companies to demonstrate their ESG contribution to consumers and investors, backed up by objectivity and neutrality.


*1) As of January 2023.


  • Layer.1  > Mapping.
  • Layer.2  > Impact assessment.
  • Layer.3  > Scoring.

aiESG evaluates sustainability analysis in three layers: mapping, impact assessment and scoring. Appropriate information processing is carried out on the analysis results and visualised in an easy-to-communicate visual form.



Maps the results of analyses based on ESG analyses conducted by a Kyushu University laboratory covering approximately 16,000 sectors x 3,200 indicators. The supply chains of products and services are analysed on a global level, and potential risks are visualised and identified as 'ESG hotspots'.


2Impact Evaluation

The vast number of items are categorised in an easy-to-understand manner, and products and services are evaluated from the respective environmental, social and economic perspectives. Relative evaluation is carried out by comparison with industry averages. By visualising the strengths and weaknesses of each of the company's products and services, it contributes to the organisation of appeal points for consumers and investors, as well as to marketing and branding.


3ESG scoring

Based on the numerical evaluation of each indicator, an independently developed AI scores an "ESG score" from the perspective of ESG investors and consumers. This enables investors to make investment decisions and consumers to understand the situation of products and services through a three-dimensional evaluation that is directly linked to their purchasing behaviour.

The aiESG.
Advantages of introduction


ESG disclosure costs/workload
Overwhelming reduction of

For aiESG, all that is needed is the cost or usage of materials. With these data, it is possible to visualise some 3,200 ESG indicators, ranging from child labour to water consumption, and to reduce costs and workloads by an overwhelming margin. In addition, aiESG is compliant with approximately 20 international standards and guidelines (*2), making it a reliable value that can be fully disclosed as corporate PR and IR information.


For a responsible supply chain,
Human rights due diligence and biodiversity conservation response

Human rights due diligence (human rights DD) and biodiversity conservation measures that trace back through the supply chain are becoming increasingly regulated around the world. The Japanese Government has also announced that human rights DD is now practically obligatory in public procurement (*3). aiESG has already covered all the human rights risk items listed in the guidelines even before the Japanese Government announced it. We are constantly updating our data and can respond in advance to possible future ESG regulations.


Improvement of corporate ESG ratings.
Effective support for

Corporate ESG ratings are a compass for ESG management. The question of how to raise a company's ESG rating, which also affects market capitalisation and PBR, can be effectively supported by aiESG by making use of the ESG evaluation of its products and services and the strengths of its diverse alliance partners. In addition, our board members have long studied the relationship between major ESG ratings and Tobin's q (≈PBR) and have published many international academic papers. (*4)


To consumers, business partners and investors
ESG Appeal.

For human rights- and environmentally-friendly products, which have been difficult to compare and appeal to, aiESG can quantitatively and comprehensively calculate and compare ESG burdens based on scientific methods. Using its own AI, it is also possible to analyse how consumers and investors rate those products by region and age. Furthermore, CARE certification from the third-party certification body, the Institute for Quantitative Sustainability Studies, provides a solid certification for human rights and environmental considerations and can be used as a powerful promotional tool.


ESG-conscious products.
Service development

In addition to existing products and services, it is also possible to analyse products and services that will be developed or launched in the future, and by identifying key issues to be considered in terms of ESG risk conflicts, contribute to the development of products and services in line with standards and the implementation and planning of marketing and branding strategies that are compatible with ESG perspectives.

2) ISO14021, ISO14025, ISO14041, ISO14042, ISO14043, ISO14044, ISO14064, ISO14067, ISO14069, ISO14075, GHG Protocol, BSI PAS 2060, JAB GR200:2023, GHG Protocol, BSI PAS 2060, JAB GR200:2023. SA8000, (Ministry of the Environment) Carbon Offsetting in Japan, (Ministry of the Environment) Carbon Offsetting Guidelines, (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains, etc.
*3) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains, etc.https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2023/04/20230404002/20230404002.html
(*4) Keeley, A. R. et al. 2022, Frontiers in Sustainability. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frsus.2022.920955/full

What our customers say.

Customer Voices.

Infronia Holdings is taking on the challenge of transforming itself into a 'comprehensive infrastructure services company' with a free thinking approach that is not bound by the 'build and build' approach of the past. We have recently launched an ESG analysis by aiESG to visualise what contribution our infrastructure operation business is making to society. We want to use it not only as a quantitative evaluation of ESG initiatives that trace back through the supply chain, but also as an indicator that can provide hints for new businesses by visualising elements such as initiatives to solve social issues that could not be quantified before, and even converting them into economic value. We are very much looking forward to working with aiESG, the world's first ESG assessment that is distinct from conventional ESG assessments.
Executive Officer, Infronia Holdings Ltd.
Mr Shinya Sakaguchi, Sustainability Promotion Officer

Nitto Denko is a high-performance materials manufacturer that offers a wide range of products from electronics to life sciences on a global scale.
The company places ESG at the heart of its management and has established an internal scheme to visualise the degree of contribution to the global environment and human society made by the products and services it provides, and to certify products and services that make a particularly high contribution as PlanetFlags™/HumanFlags™.
We believe that by utilising aiESG's services, we can streamline the collection, analysis and reporting of ESG information for sustainable management, leading to the formulation of more concrete measures and confirmation of progress. We will continue to link ESG initiatives to new business opportunities, aiming to both solve social issues and create economic value.
Mr Nobuyuki Aoki, Senior Executive Officer, Nitto Denko Corporation



Companies introduced.


the management ranks

Board members

馬奈木 俊介

Shunsuke Managi

representative director (i.e. someone chosen by the board of directors from among the directors to represent the company)
Kyushu University, Principal Professor.

Director, UN Inclusive Wealth Report; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Representative author; Vice-Chair of the OECD Joint Working Group on Trade and the Environment; and has worked with many international organisations and businesses. Chair of the Sub-Committee on Sustainable Investment of the Science Council of Japan. Author of 25 books and 400 journal articles. Recipient of the JSPS Prize and many other awards.

関 大吉

Daikichi Seki

Chief executive officer (CEO)

After obtaining his PhD in physics research at Kyoto University, he worked as a data scientist at Accenture Corporation's AI Centre, where he launched and organised industry-academia collaborations with Kyoto University and Kyushu University, and developed and implemented industry-academia collaboration strategies. The results of the Kyushu University collaboration were later developed into the company's AI Powered Enterprise Value Cockpit, for which he led the development and was also involved in the implementation work for customers.


Keely Alexander Ryuta.

Director and Chief Researcher (CR)
Associate Professor, Kyushu University

D. from Kyoto University and worked at the World Bank; from 2018, Special Assistant Professor at Manaki Laboratory, Kyushu University; from 2023, Associate Professor. Principal investigator of the Ministry of the Environment-commissioned research "ESG and corporate value",. Head of Co-Unit of the Moonshot Project "DAC-U". Committee member of the Centre for Negative Emission Technology.



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