
9 Nov Data scientist from aiESG to speak at de-carbonisation seminar organised by Fukuoka City.


aiESG Data Scientist Nobumichi Shinohara will be speaking at 'Towards a sustainable decarbonised society - learning from the world's leading Nordic advanced cases' at Daimyo Garden City, Fukuoka City on 9 November 2023 (Thursday).

Thursday, 9 November 2023, 3 p.m. -.
'Towards a sustainable decarbonised society - learning from world-leading Nordic leading practices'.

On the day, Helsinki Partners, which is responsible for marketing the city of Helsinki and attracting investment, human resources and companies from Helsinki, the capital of Finland, which aims to achieve urban carbon neutrality by 2030, will be invited to talk about local municipal and corporate initiatives.

As one of the leading companies in Fukuoka working towards advanced decarbonisation, our company Shinohara will introduce aiESG case studies and other examples on the theme 'The AIxESG Challenge, Beyond a Decarbonised Society' from 15:45 on the day.

《Outline of the event.
Date and time: 9 November 2023, 15:00-17:00 *Free of charge (limited number of participants)
Location: 4F Link Room 2, Daimyo Garden City
   2-6-50 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0041, Japan (FDGC Tower)
Organisers: Fukuoka City Environment Bureau, Fukuoka Regional Strategy Promotion Council, Helsinki Partners.

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