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A commentary on a paper elucidating that corporate climate action reduces the cost of capital is now available.


Shunsuke Managi, President of aiESG, and Keely Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher (CR) of aiESG, together with Professor Hidemichi Fujii of Kyushu University, published the paper, "How corporate climate change mitigation actions affect thecost of capitalThe commentary for "The first time we have published a commentary on the

The study showed that corporate climate change measures are effective in reducing the cost of shareholders' equity, and the effect was observed to be more pronounced in industries in which climate change issues are important issues.
These results are expected to be used as part of the scientific evidence of the impact of corporate climate change mitigation actions on the cost of capital.

[Paper presentation] Corporate Climate Change Measures Reduce the Cost of Capital.
~Data analysis of 2,100 Japanese companies reveals a relationship between the two.

We hope that this article will help you to better understand the situation. Please take a moment to read it.

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Report List : Regulations/Standards
NEWS] A paper elucidating that corporate climate change measures reduce the cost of capital was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
Clarifying that corporate climate action lowers the cost of capital
Data analysis of 2100 Japanese companies reveals relationships/Kyushu University

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