
20 September ESG trends seminar.


On Wednesday 20 September 2023, the Company will hold an ESG trends seminar to celebrate its selection for the Forbes Asia 100 To Watch 2023.

            Seminar overview.
■Date and time: 20 September (Wed), 2023 11:00~12:00 
■ Format: online webinar (via Zoom)
■ Participation fee: free of charge (pre-registration required)
■ URL for registration:

Shunsuke Managi, President of the Company, Daikichi Seki, CEO, and Keeley Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher (CR), will speak on the day and introduce ESG trends, the relationship between ESG and corporate performance, and the Company's initiatives.

This is a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge of ESG trends. We look forward to welcoming you to this event.

《Agenda for the day》

General ESG trends Representative Director: Shunsuke Managi
The presentation will explain what is happening in the world today and the social trends related to ESG from a broad perspective that also takes into account the international situation.

Director and CR: Keeley Alexander Ryuta, Director and CR: The relationship between ESG and corporate performance.
The presentation will be based on the latest research on ESG and corporate performance that our Keighley is working on. He will also explain the relationship between corporate sustainability initiatives and business performance, as published in Nikkei Veritas.
Reference article: ESG initiatives positive for business performance - The Nikkei

■aiESG initiatives CEO: Daikichi Seki
We will introduce our comprehensive ESG analysis service, aiESG, and explain what aiESG can do based on real examples. We will also explain the EV analysis that was talked about last month and published in the Nikkei newspaper.
Reference article: EV production 'out of China' is also a challenge US supply chain, environmental and human rights indicators worsen by 60% Nikkei Shimbun.

■ Question and answer session

《Speaker profiles》

Shunsuke Managi Representative director 
Senior Professor, Kyushu University. Director, UN Inclusive Wealth Report; lead author, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); Vice-Chair, OECD Joint Working Group on Trade and the Environment; and has worked with many international organisations and businesses. Chair of the Sub-Committee on Sustainable Investment of the Science Council of Japan, Director of theusive Wealth Report, lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Founded aiESG based on many years of ESG research.

Keely, Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher (CR)
Associate Professor, Kyushu University. After receiving his PhD from Kyoto University, he worked at the World Bank, where he has been a special assistant professor at the Manaki Laboratory, Kyushu University since 2018 and an associate professor since 2023. Principal investigator of the Ministry of the Environment-commissioned research "ESG and Corporate Value", Head of Co-Unit of the Moonshot Project "DAC-U". Member of the Centre for Negative Emission Technology, engaged in research on ESG and corporate performance, etc.

Daikichi Seki, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
After obtaining his PhD in physics research at Kyoto University, he worked as a data scientist at Accenture Corporation's AI Centre, where he launched and organised industry-academia collaborations with Kyoto University and Kyushu University, and developed and implemented industry-academia collaboration strategies. The results of the collaboration with Kyushu University later developed into the company's AI Powered Enterprise Value Cockpit, and he was also involved in leading its development and implementation for customers.

▼ More information on organising seminars can be found here.

aiESG named to Forbes Asia 100 (100 companies to watch in Asia); commemorative webinar held on 20 Sep! | [Official] aiESG Inc.

(Head office: Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City; Representative Director: Shunsuke Managi; hereinafter "the Company"), which conducts ESG assessments, has been selected by the global business magazine Forbes A

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