
18 Oct. Our CEO Seki will speak at the SDGs/Carbon Neutral Conference organised by JAFCO.


Daikichi Seki, CEO of the Company, will be speaking at the SDGs/Carbon Neutral Conference organised by JAFCO on 18 October 2023 (Wednesday).

On the day, five companies providing solutions in the SDG/carbon neutral area will give presentations on their business overviews and case studies of implementation/collaboration, and we will introduce our comprehensive ESG analysis service "aiESG" at product and service level. We look forward to seeing you there.

《Outline of the event.
Date: 18 October 2023 (Wed), 15:00 - 16:00.
Format: Online (Zoom)
Participation fee: free of charge
The Jafco Group, Inc.

▼ Application.

Daikichi Seki, CEO, aiESG Inc.
After obtaining his PhD in physics research at Kyoto University, he worked as a data scientist at Accenture Corporation's AI Centre, where he launched and organised industry-academia collaborations with Kyoto University and Kyushu University, and developed and implemented industry-academia collaboration strategies. The results of the collaboration with Kyushu University later developed into the company's AI Powered Enterprise Value Cockpit, and he was also involved in leading its development and implementation for customers.