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aiESG CEO Seki and Director Keeley will speak at the October 19 kick-off seminar for the Sustainability Research Group of the Society for Global Business.


2023年10月19日(木)に開催されるグローバルビジネス学会サステナビリティ研究部会キックオフセミナー『ビジネスとサステナビリティ:両立する未来への道筋 ~非財務情報の開示~』にaiESG CEO 関 大吉、取締役 兼 チーフリサーチャー(CR)キーリー・アレクサンダー竜太が登壇します。


Outline of the event

村井 暁子(京都大学経営管理大学院客員准教授)

・基調講演 「ESG投資の二つの側面とそのインパクトの可視化」
仲 浩史 教授(東京大学未来ビジョン研究センター)

キーリー アレクサンダー 竜太 准教授(九州大学工学研究院)

株式会社aiESG 関 大吉 CEO

・「気候変動へのデジタルアプローチECOLO METRIKAの紹介」
株式会社METRIKA 澤村 俊剛 COO

デロイトトーマツ コンサルティング 丹羽 弘善 執行役員 


aiESG Speaker Profile
Daikichi Seki CEO
D. in physics from Kyoto University, he worked as a data scientist at Accenture's AI Center, where he launched and coordinated industry-academia collaborations with Kyoto University and Kyushu University, and developed and implemented industry-academia collaboration strategies. The results of the collaboration with Kyushu University later evolved into the company's AI Powered Enterprise Value Cockpit, and he was involved in leading its development and implementation for clients.

Keely Alexander Ryuta Director and Chief Researcher (CR)
Associate Professor at Kyushu University. D. from Kyoto University and worked at the World Bank. 2018-2012: Special Assistant Professor at Manaki Laboratory, Kyushu University, 2023: Associate Professor. He is a Principal Investigator of "ESG and Corporate Value" funded by the Ministry of the Environment, and Co-Unit Director of the Moonshot Project "DAC-U". Member of the Negative Emission Technology Center, and engaged in research on ESG and corporate performance, etc.

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The Role of aiESG in Realizingthe Ideals of Society and Business.

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