
Nature Positive: commentary article on OECM and nature symbiosis sites.


In recent years, the term 'nature-positive' has become a key word when it comes to achieving biodiversity.

This article explains the concept of Nature Positive and the targets for achieving it, the global indicator OECM and the Nature-Positive Sites initiative in Japan. It also includes an interactive map where you can see the areas that were certified as Nature-Positive Sites last year.

[Commentary] Nature Positive - Realising a society that can live in harmony with nature.

We hope that through this article you will gain a better understanding of the situation. Please read on.

*Related page*.
Report list : Regulations/standards基準-規制/

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[Commentary] G20T20 Policy Brief.
~Proposal to achieve the Global Biodiversity Framework Targets in the G20 countries by 2030 ~.

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