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2023年9月28日(木)当社はジャフコ グループ株式会社との共催で、【実例に学ぶESG評価・開示対応 ー増え続けるESG開示項目への対応最前線ー】セミナーを開催します。

Outline of the event
・日 時:2023年9月28日(木)11:00~12:00
Place: Online
Participation fee: Free
・主 催:株式会社aiESG、ジャフコ グループ株式会社

当日は当社 CEO 関大吉によるプレゼンテーションを予定しており、今、改めて知っておくべきESGの基礎知識と最新の評価・開示基準に日本企業がどう対応していくべきかに関して、実例を基に詳しく解説いたします。ご参加を心よりお待ちしております。


Sustainability department of the company/organization
Managers and leaders of departments that consider business strategy/new business
Managers and leaders involved in procurement, development, marketing, public relations, and sales

株式会社aiESG 最高経営責任者CEO 関 大吉
D. in physics from Kyoto University, he worked as a data scientist at Accenture's AI Center, where he launched and coordinated industry-academia collaborations with Kyoto University and Kyushu University, and developed and implemented industry-academia collaboration strategies. The results of the collaboration with Kyushu University later evolved into the company's AI Powered Enterprise Value Cockpit, and he was involved in leading its development and implementation for clients.

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The Role of aiESG in Realizingthe Ideals of Society and Business.

If you have any ESG concerns,
Please feel free to contact us.