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April 23 aiESG CEO Managi will speak at a business conference for the construction industry.


2024年4月23日(火)熊本開催のビジネスカンファレンス『「建設業」の業務効率化・標準化総点検』にaiESG 代表取締役 馬奈木 俊介が登壇します。

馬奈木は「建設業界におけるESG経営の実践」と題して、 建設業界を変革するDXと人材育成、担い手不足解消に向けた対策などを紹介します。

Outline of the event
■ 日時:2024年4月23日(火) 13:30~16:30(13:00受付開始)
■ 会場:熊本城ホール 3階 A2大会議室(〒860-0805 熊本県熊本市中央区桜町3-40)
■ 参加対象:建設業界にお勤めの経営者、経営幹部、DX部門担当者など
■ 参加費用:無料(事前登録制)
■ 主催:文藝春秋
■ 協賛:Dropbox Japan株式会社、JBCC株式会社


aiESG Speaker Profile
Shunsuke Managi Representative Director 
He is a Senior Professor at Kyushu University, Director of the Inclusive Wealth Report of the United Nations. He is a Director of the UN Inclusive Wealth Report, a representative author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Vice-Chair of the OECD Joint Working Group on Trade and the Environment, and has worked with many international organizations and companies. He chairs the Subcommittee on Sustainable Investment of the Science Council of Japan. He is a representative author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He founded aiESG based on his many years of ESG research.

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The Role of aiESG in Realizingthe Ideals of Society and Business.

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