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The introductory article of the 2nd On-Site Meeting held on 4/12 is now available.


aiESG has recently formulated its MVV (Mission, Vision, and Values). To commemorate this, aiESG held its second on-site meeting in Fukuoka on April 12, 2024.

In addition, a story article introducing the on-site meeting on the day of the event was published on aiESG's official Wantedly account.

Commemorating the establishment of MVV, the 2nd On-Site Meeting in Fukuoka was held!

Commemorating the Formulation of MVV, the 2nd On-Site Meeting in Fukuoka was held! | aiESG Inc.

Hello everyone, this is aiESG's Recruitment and Public Relations Office:)The spring (or is it summer?) weather has been perfect for going out. How are you doing? In this article, I would like to report on the 2nd Onsite Mi...

The following is an introduction to the panel discussion by board members that took place that day, as well as the group work that members participated in to deepen their understanding of MVV. Please take a moment to read it.

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