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aiESG analyzes the environmental impact of the value chain in NEC Corporation's TNFD report.


ESG定量評価を行う九州大学発スタートアップの株式会社aiESG (本社:福岡市博多区、代表取締役:馬奈木 俊介/以下「aiESG」)は、日本電気株式会社(所在地:東京都港区、取締役 代表執行役社長 兼 CEO:森田 隆之、以下「NEC」)のTNFD(自然関連財務情報開示タスクフォース)レポート作成に協力し、バリューチェーンの環境負荷分析プロジェクトを完了しました。

 TNFD(Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures、 自然関連財務情報開示タスクフォース)は企業と自然資本や生物多様性の相互の影響やリスク、機会を開示するための枠組みであり、これに準じた情報公開によって投資家や社会からの適正な評価を受けることが期待されています。




What is aiESG, a product-level ESG analysis service?

aiESG is the world's first service that enables comprehensive ESG analysis at the product and service level. Using AI analysis based on our ESG supply chain big data, aiESG can provide detailed calculations for more than 3,200 ESG indicators and compare them to industry averages and conventional products. In particular, it is possible to compare the CO2This is the world's first solution that enables quantitative evaluation of not only environmental aspects such as human rights, biodiversity, and labor environment, but also social and governance aspects, including human rights, biodiversity, and labor environment, which have become increasingly important in recent years.

List of aiESG evaluation items (excerpt)

Furthermore, analysis by aiESG enables geographical estimation, which is difficult with conventional Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and visualization of environmental, social, and corporate governance hot spots, tracing back not only to direct suppliers, but also to secondary and upstream business partners.

Dashboard Image Diagram

In addition, since the only data required from the customer is product cost structure data or physical quantity data, ESG supply chain disclosures, which previously required enormous man-hours, are facilitated.

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About aiESG Corporation (aiESG)

We are a start-up company from Kyushu University that aims to realize a sustainable society through ESG analysis at the product and service level. aiESG provides an ESG assessment platform "aiESG" that traces back the entire supply chain, based on years of international and academic ESG research, including work by G20 UN report representatives. We also provide support for ESG in general. We also provide support services on all aspects of ESG.

Click here to visit our corporate website (Japanese only)

About Us

Company name: aiESG Co.
Head Office: NMF Hakata Ekimae Bldg. 2F, 1-15-20 Hakata Ekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
President and Representative Director : Shunsuke Managi
Business : ESG analysis business at the product/service level
HP :
Establishment : July 2022

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
To: aiESG Corporation, Public Relations

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The Role of aiESG in Realizingthe Ideals of Society and Business.

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