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aiESG President Managi and Director Keeley will be speaking at the international conference as T20 members related to the G20 Summit.


Shunsuke Managi, President of aiESG, and Keeley Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher (CR), will be speaking as members of the T20, the engagement group for the 2024 G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, on June 24 at the international conference "Climate Action and Sustainable Development: Dialogue between the G20 Presidency and the T20 and C20's Engagement Groups".
*The Engagement Group is comprised of non-governmental participants from each G20 member country who make recommendations to G20 leaders and contribute to the policy-making process.

*Related Article*.
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[Commentary] G20 T20 India2023 Policy Brief on Comprehensive Measurement of National Wealth Growth Using the New National Wealth Indicators

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