aiESG代表馬奈木が10月28日に香港にて開催されるイベント「From Kyushu and Okinawa to Hong Kong: Building Sustainable Societies」に登壇します。
To attend and register for the event, please refer to the event page here.
Speaker Profile.
Shunsuke Managi Representative Director, aiESG
He is a Senior Professor at Kyushu University, Director of the Inclusive Wealth Report of the United Nations. He is a Director of the UN Inclusive Wealth Report, a representative author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Vice-Chair of the OECD Joint Working Group on Trade and the Environment, and has worked with many international organizations and companies. He chairs the Subcommittee on Sustainable Investment of the Science Council of Japan. He is a representative author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He founded aiESG based on his many years of ESG research.
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