ABOUT US About us

VISION vision
Creating a chain of happiness without causing strain on others.
(01)Our sense of purpose
No one can solve
a problem that is not visible.
While economic affluence is pursued,
Environment and poverty everywhere in the world,
While economic prosperity is sought, environmental strain, poverty, and human rights issues persist globally.
To tackle these, terms like 'ESG' and 'SDGs' have become widespread, prompting the need for sustainable corporate practices.
However, assessing the foundation of these activities' sustainability is not simple.
(02)Our Approach
Visualizing the impacts of corporate activities
using cutting-edge AI technology
That is why aiESG, based on solid research grounded in academic and scientific evidence, continues to question what true prosperity is by visualizing the results of corporate activities.
With aiESG’s ESG analysis utilizing cutting-edge AI technology, what was once invisible can now be made visible.
(03)The World We Want to Establish A compass leading to a sustainable future
"Companies committed to a better society will make responsible choices. Consumers will make willfull choices based on objective assessments. As societal awareness grows and governments act, laws and regulations will improve, encouraging more companies to act.
Quantitatively visualizing the impacts of corporate activities, including hidden 'unjust burdens,' enables fair judgments by all.
Our goal is a society where 'happiness spreads, free from undue burdens.' aiESG will be the compass leading the way to a sustainable future."

OUR ORIGIN Our starting point
We pursue ideals as a mission of academia.
aiESG is an academia-rooted startup launched at Kyushu University’s Managi Laboratory.
Its mission is to decode the world's complexities and design an ideal society through thorough research.
Founded to turn this vision into reality through business, aiESG offers a path for significant growth as an academic startup.
Committed to more than profit, aiESG focuses on designing and achieving its ideals.
Research outcomes, driven by strong conviction, will be delivered to the world through business.