
A statement on climate change and the energy transition was issued by the G20 T20, in which aiESG directors participate.


A statement was issued by the 2024 G20 Summit Engagement Group T20, in which aiESG President Shunsuke Managi and Director and Chief Researcher (CR) Keely Alexander Ryuta participate.

This statement was released in preparation for the T20 Brasil Midterm Conference in Rio de Janeiro on 2 and 3 July 2024, focusing on equity and inclusiveness in climate action and the energy transition, and realising a sustainable future under the leadership of the G20. It outlines concrete policy proposals to achieve a sustainable future under the leadership of the G20.

TF02 Sustainable climate action and inclusive just energy transitions

TF02 is dedicated to addressing critical facets of climate action, especially emphasising issues related to energy transitions, with a central focus on The recommendations from this task force are aimed at supporting the work and deliberations of the special Task Force for Global Mobilisation against Climate Change established by Brazil's G20 presidency.

[Summary of recommendations].
The planet is facing an accelerating climate crisis and biodiversity loss, while at the same time there are setbacks in the fight against poverty and hunger. Many countries are struggling to increase energy access, while the pressure for an energy transition is increasing.

Objectives of Task Force 02 (TF02)
TF02 aims to address issues related to the energy transition and to provide policy proposals with a focus on equity and inclusiveness. Key themes include:

1. achieving an inclusive, equitable and sustainable energy transition.
2. accelerating sustainable consumption and production patterns.
3. promoting socio-economic and nature-based solutions (NbS).
4. promoting inclusive and sustainable low-carbon infrastructure investment.
5. optimising access to multilateral and climate funds.
6. proposals for implementing the concept of climate justice.
7. improved transparency, accountability and standardisation of ESG indicators.

Key recommendations.
8. Promoting fair transition planning.: the G20 to provide leadership and support a comprehensive transition plan.
9. Promoting sustainable development finance.: ensuring access to finance through equitable and effective multilateral development banks and climate funds.
10. International tax reform and restructuring of subsidies: supporting sustainable development through restructuring of fossil fuel subsidies and fair taxation of high polluting enterprises.
11. Harnessing the knowledge of indigenous peoples and traditional communities: promoting a bioeconomy that puts indigenous knowledge and participatory governance at its centre.
12. Integration of social and biodiversity objectives.: standardisation and effective integration into green taxonomy, sustainability disclosure standards and ESG indicators.

*Related articles*.
[Commentary] G20T20 Policy Brief ~Proposals to achieve the Global Biodiversity Framework Targets in G20 countries by 2030.
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