

On 20 April, Representative Director Managi will speak at an environmental real estate seminar organised by Bureau Veritas.

On 20 April (Thu), 2023, our Managing Director Shunsuke Managi will be a speaker at the 'Environmental Real Estate Seminar 2023 - How GX will change the building industry' organised by Bureau Veritas Japan KK. This se...


On 14 April, CEO Umanaki will speak at a public webinar organised by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI).

On Friday 14 April 2023, our Managing Director, Shunsuke Managi, will be a speaker at a webinar on 'The cutting edge of digital technology to solve social problems', hosted by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). This web...


On 8 March, our CEO Seki will speak at the ESG TECH BATTLE 2023 powered by NEDO, organised by CIC Tokyo.

On 8 March 2023, our CEO Daikichi Seki will speak at the ESG TECH BATTLE 2023 powered by NEDO, hosted by CIC Tokyo ESG TECH BATTLE 2023 is a ...


28 Feb President Manaki was a speaker at City-Tech.Tokyo.

On 28 February 2023, Shunsuke Managi, President of our company, will be a speaker at the "City-Tech.Tokyo" session (Innovations created by different personalities - Innovators talk about creating the ground for challenges)...


Article by our director Keeley in the University Journal.

An article by our Director and Chief Researcher, Keely Alexander Ryuta, was published in the 21 February 2023 issue of the University Journal vol 151. The second half of the article introduces aiESG. Research and Society...


On 2 March, our CEO Seki will speak at the pitch event ROCKET PITCH NIGHT FESTIVAL 2023 organised by Venture Café Tokyo.

2 Mar 2023 Our CEO Daikichi Seki will be speaking at ROCKET PITCH NIGHT FESTIVAL 2023, one of the largest pitch contests in Japan, organised by Venture Café Tokyo. This i...

Press Release

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