

Explanatory articles on environmental certification schemes are now available.

In response to the global demand for sustainable societies and the growing environmental awareness of companies and consumers, 'environmental labels' have developed as a certification system to demonstrate environmental considerations. In recent years, these environmental aspects have been deemed ...


An article on ESG initiatives by aiESG Representative Director Managi was published in the specialist business magazine Environmental Business.

2 July 2024 An article on ESG initiatives by aiESG President Shunsuke Managi was published in the specialist business magazine Kankyo Business. The article covers ESG analysis dating back to the company's supply chain, ...


A commentary on a paper elucidating that corporate climate action reduces the cost of capital is now available.

Shunsuke Managi, President of aiESG, and Keely Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher (CR) of aiESG, together with Professor Hidemichi Fujii of Kyushu University, published an article 'How corporate cli...

Press Release

aiESG analyses the environmental impact of the value chain in NEC Corporation's TNFD report.

(Head office: Hakata-ku, Fukuoka; Representative Director: Shunsuke Managi), a start-up company from Kyushu University that conducts quantitative ESG assessments, has announced that NEC Corporation (NEC) has ...


aiESG Representative Director Manaki and Director Keeley will be speaking at the international conference as T20 members in connection with the G20 Summit.

Shunsuke Managi, President of aiESG, and Keeley Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher (CR), are members of the T20, the engagement group for the 2024 G20 Summit Rio de Janeiro...


A commentary article on the latest developments in the ISSB is now available.

On 23 April 2024, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) will ... biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services ...

Press Release

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Explanatory articles on environmental certification schemes are now available.

In response to the global demand for sustainable societies and the growing environmental awareness of companies and consumers, 'environmental labels' have developed as a certification system to demonstrate environmental considerations. In recent years, these environmental aspects have been deemed ...


An article on ESG initiatives by aiESG Representative Director Managi was published in the specialist business magazine Environmental Business.

2 July 2024 An article on ESG initiatives by aiESG President Shunsuke Managi was published in the specialist business magazine Kankyo Business. The article covers ESG analysis dating back to the company's supply chain, ...


A commentary on a paper elucidating that corporate climate action reduces the cost of capital is now available.

Shunsuke Managi, President of aiESG, and Keely Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher (CR) of aiESG, together with Professor Hidemichi Fujii of Kyushu University, published an article 'How corporate cli...


aiESG Representative Director Manaki and Director Keeley will be speaking at the international conference as T20 members in connection with the G20 Summit.

Shunsuke Managi, President of aiESG, and Keeley Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher (CR), are members of the T20, the engagement group for the 2024 G20 Summit Rio de Janeiro...


A commentary article on the latest developments in the ISSB is now available.

On 23 April 2024, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) will ... biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services ...


An article elucidating how corporate climate change measures reduce the cost of capital was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.

Published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on 6 June 2024 (Thursday) by aiESG Representative Director Shunsuke Managi and aiESG Director and Chief Researcher (CR) Keely Alexander Ryuta, together with Professor Hidemichi Fujii of Kyushu University and others....


Page 4 of 4 No article found for submission.


Page 4 of 4 No article found for submission.