supply chain

GHG emissions
supply chain

[Commentary] Overview of Japan's GX strategy.
~Towards accelerated green transformation~.

The 12th GX (Green Transformation) Implementation Conference held on 27 August 2024 mainly discussed the future of the energy situation in Japan. Also, from 3 September, the Cabinet ...

supply chain

[Part 3] Steps, responses and trends.
〜˜Sustainable ESG-oriented supply chains: a strategic imperative for modern business ˜.

This article is a Japanese translation of a manuscript (in English) written by aiESG's ESG research team and edited into three parts for publication. The English version can be found here. Please see t...

supply chain

[Part 2] What are the main drivers from the three perspectives of academia, business and citizens?
〜˜Sustainable ESG-oriented supply chains: a strategic imperative for modern business ˜.

This article is a Japanese translation of a manuscript (in English) written by aiESG's ESG research team and edited into three parts for publication. The English version can be found here. Please see t...

supply chain

[Part 1] Environmental and social impacts of supply chains.
〜˜Sustainable ESG-oriented supply chains: a strategic imperative for modern business ˜.

This article is a Japanese translation of a manuscript (in English) written by aiESG's ESG research team and edited into three parts for publication. The English version can be found here. Please see t...