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Policy Brief related to ESG submitted by our board members was accepted for G20 related events.


Shunsuke Managi, President and CEO, and Ryuta Keely-Alexander, Director and Chief Researcher, have submitted a Policy Brief on ESG issues to T20 (Think20) 2022 Indonesia, which is positioned as the "Idea Bank" of the G20 and consists of experts and think tanks from the G20 countries. Policy Brief related to ESG was adopted.

In this Policy Brief, we discussed the importance of assessing corporate value using non-financial indicators as well as traditional financial indicators that focus on economic growth, such as GDP, to promote sustainable investment trends, and proposed that the G20 establish a forum to discuss an assessment framework for sustainable investment initiatives. He proposed that the G20 launch a forum to discuss a framework for evaluating sustainable investment initiatives.

The Forum recommends focusing on the following three points

Unification of corporate disclosure standards

Strengthen transparency, commonality, and comprehensiveness of ESG indicators

Guidelines for conducting ESG assessments at the product and service level

These recommendations will be incorporated into aiESG's services.

Managi, S., Keeley, A. R., & Takeda, S., Policy Briefs T20 for the
Presidency of the G20 in 2022, The G20 Insights Platform, Global Solutions
Initiative Foundation, An Inclusive Evaluation Framework for
Sustainable Investment, Inc.

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