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G20T20 Policy Brief, our board member's proposal for a financing mechanism to promote natural capital conservation has been adopted.


Shunsuke Managi, President and CEO, and Keely Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher, adopted a policy brief on "A mechanism to promote financing to encourage conservation of natural capital" at T20 (Think20) 2023 India, which is positioned as the "Idea Bank" of the G20 and consists of experts and think tanks from G20 countries. The policy brief on "Mechanisms to Facilitate Financing to Encourage the Conservation of Natural Capital" was adopted.

This is the second T20 policy brief adopted this year.

This Policy Brief offers suggestions for increasing the availability of development funds while preserving natural capital.
The following three recommendations are made to increase the availability of development funds to conserve natural capital

● Measure consistently and comprehensively across natural capital to capture the potential long-term benefits of natural capital preservation and develop alternative funding mechanisms

Financing Framework: Three Opportunities to Incorporate Natural Capital Considerations into Financing Operations

Support for natural capital accounting at the national, corporate, and public level

These recommendations will be incorporated into aiESG services.

Keeley, A. R., Halimatussadiah, A., Brodjonegoro, B., Agarwala, M., Adriansyah, M., Smith, R., Kurniawan, R., Lufti, R. E., gikami, Managi, S., & Takeda, S. S. (2023, July). Policy Briefs T20 for the Presidency of the G20 in 2023, The G20 Insights Platform, Global Solutions Initiative Foundation. Observer Reserch Foundation,A Framework to Enhance Financing Capacity and Incentivise the Preservation of Natural Assets.

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