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Article on early adopters of TNFD published.


TNFD (Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures) Early Adopters article is now available for commentary.

Since the release of the TNFD Final Proposal on September 18, 2023, this website has explained the background and overview of the TNFD and the issues involved in actual disclosure in the past three articles.

Part 1 What is TNFD? A new bridge between finance and the natural environment
2nd TNFD disclosure status and issues
Part 3: Key Points of the TNFD Final Recommendations and the Responses Required of Companies

This article describes the TNFD Early Adopters, which were announced at the Davos Forum on January 16, 2024, featuring the Nissui Group as an example of the disclosures each company is actually making and their characteristics and disclosures.

[Explanation] TNFD early adopters and their characteristics

We hope that this article will help you to better understand the situation. Please take a moment to read it.

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【【Explanation] What is TNFD? A new bridge between finance and the natural environment

Commentary] TNFD Disclosure Status and Issues

Commentary] Key Points of the TNFD Final Recommendations and the Responses Required of Companies

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The TNFD commentary book "TNFD Corporate Strategy - Nature Positive and Risk/Opportunity", written in part by aiESG, will be published.

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