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Interview with Mr. Suzuki, President of hap, an apparel company, on the use of aiESG is now available.


We have published an interview with Mr. Suzuki, a representative of hap, an apparel company that has used aiESG's supply chain ESG analysis.

hap, Inc. aims to realize sustainable fashion, and is developing a wide range of businesses from branded business to apparel of environmentally friendly and comfortable multifunctional products, and development of smart textiles and smart wear.

In this interview, we spoke with Mr. Suzuki of hap about the background of their involvement in circular fashion, why they chose aiESG, how they specifically use the analysis, and how they plan to further develop it in the future.

Case Study: Interview] Interview with Mr. Suzuki, Representative of hap Co.

Please read on.

*Related Article*.
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Nikkei Business featured aiESG's efforts in an article introducing hap, an apparel venture company.

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The Role of aiESG in Realizingthe Ideals of Society and Business.

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