
Within the recommendations of the Science Council of Japan's Subcommittee on Sustainability, aiESG was mentioned.


Published by the Science Council of Japan, representing Japanese scientists, on Friday 18 August 2023., Report, 'Industry Impact of Sustainable Investment'.Our aiESG services were mentioned in the following section.

Science Council of Japan: report, 'Industry Impact of Sustainable Investment'.

The report 'The Impact of Sustainable Investment on Industry' was written by Tadashi Otsuka, Noriko Okubo, Koichi Kuriyama, Akinobu Murakami, Yukari Takamura and other experts in environmental policy studies in Japan at the Subcommittee on Environmental Policy and Planning, Committee on Environmental Studies, Science Council of Japan.

aiESG is a sustainable investmentnote 1 (supplementary information)The company was mentioned as "a company that identifies ESG risk hotspots on global supply chains and proposes to build safer and more sustainable supply chains" as a way of creating a mechanism to gain profitability from addressing risks in the

The report describes sustainable investment and new national wealth to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN in 2015.*2This section discusses the importance of

It states that "human capital and natural capital are important non-financial indicators for companies, and that increased sustainable investment will have an impact on human capital and natural capital, helping ESG-oriented companies and aligned organisations to increase society's wealth, improve wellbeing and achieve sustainability." .

A key element of sustainable investment is to ensure that companies not only generate revenue, but also build universal structures, taking into account their impact on the environment and society.

By quantifying approximately 3,200 diverse non-financial indicators, including forced labour, child labour, gender equality, biodiversity, air pollution and mineral resources, aiESG will assess sustainability progress and provide services that contribute to sustainable development by creating a virtuous circle in the management of companies engaged in ESG. .

1 Sustainable investment
An investment approach that assesses a company's commitment to ESG (non-financial information) in addition to the expected profitability and diversification of its share price (financial information), which are usually taken into account when constructing an equity portfolio.

*2 New national wealth
Refers to an indicator of 'inclusive wealth' expressed as the sum of three indicators: man-made capital, human capital and natural capital.