

aiESG CEO Seki and Director Keeley will speak at the 19 October Global Business Association Sustainability Research Group Kick-off Seminar.

The aiESG CEO... at the Society for Global Business Society Sustainability Research Group kick-off seminar 'Business and Sustainability: the path to a compatible future ~ disclosure of non-financial information~' on 19 October 2023 (Thursday).


18 Oct. Our CEO Seki will speak at the SDGs/Carbon Neutral Conference organised by JAFCO.

Daikichi Seki, CEO of the Company, will be speaking at the SDGs/Carbon Neutral Conference organised by JAFCO on 18 Oct (Wed), 2023. On the day, he will be discussing solutions in the area of SDGs/Carbon Neutral...


A column by our Managing Director, Manaki, has been published on the website of the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI).

4 Sep 2023 An interview column with Shunsuke Managi, President of the Company, has been published on the website of the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). The joint projects of semiconductor industry clusters in which Manaki is involved, as well as the product and service level ...


Our CEO Seki has been selected to participate in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's J-StarX.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's entrepreneurship development and overseas dispatch programme, J-StarX, for the US East Coast course, CIC Japan Desk Programme: Global Entrepreneurship Growth Program ...


A seminar on 28 September on 'ESG assessment and disclosure responses through real-life examples' will be held.

On Thursday 28 September 2023, the Company and Jafco Group Ltd. will jointly organise a seminar on "ESG assessment and disclosure - the frontline in dealing with the increasing number of ESG disclosure items - learning from actual examples". Outline of the seminar: Date and time: 28 September (Thursday).


TNFD explanatory report published.

We participate in the TNFD Forum, which supports the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)...

Press Release

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20 September ESG trends seminar.

On Wednesday 20 September 2023, the Company will hold an ESG trends seminar to celebrate its selection for the Forbes Asia 100 To Watch 2023. Seminar overview: 2 September 2023...


The UN New National Wealth Report 2023 (INCLUSIVE WEALTH REPORT 2023), supervised and written by aiESG President Manaki, has been published.

The UN New National Wealth Report 2023 (INCLUSIVE WEALTH REPORT 2023), supervised and written by Shunsuke Managi, Managing Director of the company, as Report Director, has been published. The UN...


14 September Our employees will be speaking at the Growth Pitch organised by Fukuoka Growth Next.

On Thursday 14 September 2023, our data scientist Nobumichi Shinohara will be speaking at the 81st Growth Pitch organised by Fukuoka Growth Next. The event is organised by the Growth Pi...


G20T20 Policy Brief, our board member's submission on achieving the Global Biodiversity Framework Targets in the G20 countries by 2030, adopted.

The G20's 'Idea Bank' is a group of experts and think-tanks from the G20 countries.


Within the recommendations of the Science Council of Japan's Subcommittee on Sustainability, aiESG was mentioned.

On Friday 18 August 2023, our aiESG services were mentioned in the report 'The Impact of Sustainable Investment on Industry', published by the Science Council of Japan, which represents Japanese scientists. The Science Council of Japan...


'Climate tech start-ups expected to do well' selected for the Super DX Summit (Super DX/SUM).

aiESG was selected as one of the 'Climate Tech Start-ups Expected to Make a Splash' in the 'Impact Pitch' at the Super DX Summit (Super DX/SUM) organised by Nihon Keizai Shimbun. (Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 9 Aug, morning edition...)


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