

G20T20 Policy Brief, our board member's submission on achieving the Global Biodiversity Framework Targets in the G20 countries by 2030, adopted.

The G20's 'Idea Bank' is a group of experts and think-tanks from the G20 countries.


Within the recommendations of the Science Council of Japan's Subcommittee on Sustainability, aiESG was mentioned.

On Friday 18 August 2023, our aiESG services were mentioned in the report 'The Impact of Sustainable Investment on Industry', published by the Science Council of Japan, which represents Japanese scientists. The Science Council of Japan...


The results of aiESG's analysis of EV were published on the front page of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

15 Aug 2023 The Nihon Keizai Shimbun morning edition (front page) carried an article on a survey analysed by aiESG, our product-level supply chain assessment service. This is the US Inflation Reduction Act ...


'Climate tech start-ups expected to do well' selected for the Super DX Summit (Super DX/SUM).

aiESG was selected as one of the 'Climate Tech Start-ups Expected to Make a Splash' in the 'Impact Pitch' at the Super DX Summit (Super DX/SUM) organised by Nihon Keizai Shimbun. (Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 9 Aug, morning edition...)


Director Keeley's article on ESG and corporate management was published in The Economist Weekly.

An article by our Director and Chief Researcher (CR), Keely Alexander Ryuta, appeared in the 15/22 August issue of The Economist Weekly (7 August) in the Academics Cutting Edge and Viewpoints section. ESG take-up...

Press Release

*First in Japan, aiESG obtains the international sustainability standard 'SASB Standard' licence as an ESG assessment organisation.

Conducts reliable ESG assessments in accordance with international standards* First company based in Japan to obtain a SASB standards "Corporate Reporting Software" Licence. Also...

Press Release

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Our Managing Director Manaki appeared on Ted x Fukuoka.

On 10 December 2022, our Managing Director, Shunsuke Managi, appeared on Ted x Fukuoka on the topic 'Climate change action as a natural capital strategy'. He talked about our services, which not only reduce CO2 emissions, but also safe...


On 16 May, a 'Collaborative PR event for the development of human rights and environmentally friendly apparel products' will be held online in collaboration with hap.

On Tuesday 16 May 2023, aiESG and hap, a developer and provider of COVEROSS®, a sustainable material that combines design and comfort, signed an agreement to develop human rights and environmentally friendly apparel products...


Director Keeley's article on ESG was published in The Economist Weekly.

Weekly Economist 8 May issue An article by our Director and Chief Researcher (CR), Keely Alexander Ryuta, was featured in the Academics Cut and Viewpoints section of the Weekly Economist The trend towards tighter ESG regulations and growing interest in human rights issues...


28 Apr Our CEO Seki and Director Keeley will be speaking at Accenture Shares.

On Friday 28 April 2023, our CEO Daikichi Seki and Director Keely Alexander Ryuta will participate in Accenture Shares Vol. 7 "Visualising ES through AI & Data Use...


On 20 April, Representative Director Managi will speak at an environmental real estate seminar organised by Bureau Veritas.

On 20 April (Thu), 2023, our Managing Director Shunsuke Managi will be a speaker at the 'Environmental Real Estate Seminar 2023 - How GX will change the building industry' organised by Bureau Veritas Japan KK. This se...


On 14 April, CEO Umanaki will speak at a public webinar organised by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI).

On Friday 14 April 2023, our Managing Director, Shunsuke Managi, will be a speaker at a webinar on 'The cutting edge of digital technology to solve social problems', hosted by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). This web...


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