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Our President Managi Submission's policy brief using the new national wealth index was adopted by the G20 T20 India2023.


At T20 (Think20) 2023 India, which is positioned as the "Idea Bank" of the G20 and consists of experts and think tanks from G20 countries, a policy brief on comprehensive national wealth growth measurement using a new national wealth index, contributed by Shunsuke Managi, President of our company, was adopted.

This policy brief proposes that the assessment of "Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE)," which represents a concept involving changes in individual and societal behavior with respect to sustainable consumption and production, can be aggregated on a weighted average basis, taking into account the spatial distribution within a country, based on the IWI (New Wealth of Nations index), which is based on the principles of the IWI, and proposes that it can be aggregated on a weighted average basis, taking into account the spatial distribution within a country.

This policy brief presents three steps for introducing and implementing LiFE indicators across G20 countries.

● G20 countries need to cooperate with each other to develop a universally accepted methodology for the LiFE Index.

● G20 countries need to cooperate with each other to build capacity related to LiFE indicators. Capacity building should cover how to read and interpret indicator values, how to improve values, and actions to be taken in the short, medium, and long term.

● Along with establishing a methodology for the LiFE indicator, the following will be done

  0 Adopt a sustainable lifestyle
  0 Reduce carbon dioxide emissions
  0Improved standard of living through increased productivity and income
  0 Education and Knowledge Enhancement
  0Strengthening collaboration among stakeholders

These recommendations will be incorporated into aiESG's future services.

Managi, S., Bhattacharya, A. & Bhattacharya, T., Policy Briefs T20 for
the Presidency of the G20 in 2023, The G20 Insights Platform, Global
Solutions Initiative Foundation, Inclusive Wealth Index: A
Comprehensive Measure of LiFE Towards 'Net

*Article Commentary*.

Report:[Commentary] G20 T20 India2023 Policy Brief on Comprehensive Measurement of National Wealth Growth Using the New National Wealth Indicators

*Related Article*.

News:Policy Brief related to ESG submitted by our board members was accepted for G20 related events.

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