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A report explaining the impact of the Inflation Control Act (IRA) on the ESG of Japanese EV manufacturers is now available.


Recently on this site,Nikkei Newspaper article published in August of this yearrelated toExplanatory Reportis now available to the public.

This report explains the impact of the U.S. Inflation-Reduction Act (IRA) on the ESG of Japanese EV manufacturers. aiESG's independent ESG analysis is the basis for this report. aiESG's ESG analysis is based on the U.S. Inflation-Reduction Act (IRA) and its impact on the ESG of Japanese EV manufacturers.

[Commentary] The Impact of the U.S. Inflation-Reduction Act (IRA) on the ESG of Japanese EV Manufacturers (aiESG Analysis)

This additional analysis was also published in the November issue of Nikkei ESG, "Barriers to Entry for ESG Information Set by the EU.
Nikkei ESG published an analysis of EV by aiESG.

We hope that this article will help you to better understand the situation. Please take a moment to read it.

*Related Article*.
The front page of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper featured the results of aiESG's analysis of EV.

[Commentary] Nikkei article: aiESG Supply Chain Analysis of "Electric Vehicle (EV) Production, ESG Indicators Deteriorate Due to 'De-China'".

Nikkei ESG published an analysis of EV by aiESG.

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