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The front page of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper featured the results of aiESG's analysis of EV.


August 15, 2023 The Nihon Keizai Shimbun morning edition (front page) featured an article on a survey analyzed by aiESG, our product-level supply chain evaluation service.

This is an analysis of the environmental, social, and governance impacts of a hypothetical shift of EV component supply from China to Latin America due to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in the U.S. While CO2 emissions would decrease, air pollutant emissions and human rights-related risks such as low-wage labor and child labor would increase. The results were as follows.

The details of the analysis will be published as a REPORT at a later date.

Production of Electric Vehicles, Even De-China, is a Challenge U.S. Supply Chain Worsens Environmental and Human Rights Indicators by 60% (Nihon Keizai Shimbun)

*Reference article*.
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