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A dialogue between aiESG President Managi and CEO Seki was posted on the Deloitte Tohmatsu Group website.


November 1, 2023 Deloitte Tohmatsu Group's website, "Risk Management BlogA conversation between aiESG President Managi and CEO Seki was featured in aiESG's "The New York Times".

This dialogue is called "A series of conversations with companies that provide ESG solution servicesIt was done as a part of the "The
As representatives of aiESG, Managi and Seki discuss the new Inclusive Wealth Index (IWI) and examples of client support at aiESG. Please take a moment to read it.

Tracing back the entire supply chain in units of products and services

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The Role of aiESG in Realizingthe Ideals of Society and Business.

If you have any concerns about ESG, please feel free to contact us.