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Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun published an article on ESG analysis of Arita-yaki porcelain using aiESG.


An article on ESG analysis of Arita-yaki porcelain using aiESG was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on March 15, 2024.

Sustainability Report/Arita-yaki Ceramics Highly Evaluated in ESG [Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun] (Japanese only)

Sustainability Report/Arita-yaki Ware receives high evaluation in ESG

Not only is the environmental impact of the manufacturing process of products being questioned, but also the human rights of workers and consideration for local communities. Traditional crafts are no exception. Arita-yaki ceramics from the town of Arita in Saga Prefecture are also being asked about their environmental impact when exported to Europe. ...

Details of the ESG analysis of Arita-yaki mentioned in this article can be found below.

The results of a simplified ESG analysis of Arita-yaki porcelain using aiESG have been released by the town of Arita.

The results of a simplified ESG analysis of Arita-yaki porcelain using aiESG have been released by the town of Arita.

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