
The results of a simplified ESG analysis of Arita porcelain using aiESG have been published by the town of Arita.


The results of the first ESG analysis conducted by aiESG on 'Arita-yaki' have been published by the town of Arita in Saga Prefecture. The analysis aimed to quantify the ESG assessment of 'Arita-yaki', including its social aspects, and aiESG was in charge of the analysis.

Arita Town in Saga Prefecture, known for its Arita porcelain and other products, has signed a comprehensive collaboration agreement with the Urban Research Centre of Kyushu University, Infronia Holdings Corporation and Acroterion Corporation on improving the Arita Town New National Wealth Index using ESG analysis, with the aim of achieving sustainable development. Based on this cooperation agreement, this analysis was conducted using aiESG's own ESG assessment.

We estimated how the 'procurement → production → sales' business model of Arita-yaki as a consumer good could spread around the world, as well as comprehensive ESG indicators including social and human rights and economic spillover effects.

See the Arita Town page below for the results of the analysis.

Report on the results of the first round of ESG analysis under the Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement / Arita Town

Enquiry about aiESG services:

*Related website*.
Comprehensive cooperation agreement on improving the Arita Town New National Wealth Index using ESG analysis.

An article on the ESG assessment of Arita porcelain using aiESG was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.

Commentary] IWI (New National Wealth Index: Inclusive Wealth Index) - a new indicator to measure wellbeing.