

An article on aiESG's integrated report assessment service was published in the Yomiuri Shimbun.

On 22 March 2024, aiESG's integrated report evaluation service 'aiESG for IR' was introduced in an article on the use of AI in companies in the Yomiuri Shimbun. 'Illustrations in seconds', 'Unexpected answers'... Generating AI...


Article on integrated reporting published.

aiESG offers aiESG for IR, an integrated report evaluation service using a generative AI developed by the company. This service ensures consistency between social demands related to ESG disclosure and the integrated reports of the companies being evaluated...


aiESG Managing Director Manaki and Director Keeley were elected as G20 T20 Core Members.

Shunsuke Managi, President of aiESG, and Keeley Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher (CR), are core members of the T20, the engagement group for the 2024 G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro...


An article on ESG analysis of Arita porcelain using aiESG was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.

An article on ESG analysis of Arita porcelain using aiESG was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on 15 March 2024. Sustainable Report / Arita-yaki receives high ESG rating [Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun]. h...


Interview with aiESG Director Keeley published in Ricoh Institute of Economic and Social Research.

An interview with aiESG Director and Chief Researcher (CR) Keely Alexander Ryuta was published on 12 March 2024 on the website of the Ricoh Institute of Economic and Social Research, on the cutting edge of ESG research and ESG take...


Article on early adopters of TNFD published.

TNFD (Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosure) Early Adopters Commentary article published Since the release of the TNFD final recommendations on 18 September 2023, this website has published three previous articles on the background, overview and...

Press Release

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An article on ESG analysis of Arita porcelain using aiESG was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.

An article on ESG analysis of Arita porcelain using aiESG was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on 15 March 2024. Sustainable Report / Arita-yaki receives high ESG rating [Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun]. h...


Interview with aiESG Director Keeley published in Ricoh Institute of Economic and Social Research.

An interview with aiESG Director and Chief Researcher (CR) Keely Alexander Ryuta was published on 12 March 2024 on the website of the Ricoh Institute of Economic and Social Research, on the cutting edge of ESG research and ESG take...


Article on early adopters of TNFD published.

TNFD (Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosure) Early Adopters Commentary article published Since the release of the TNFD final recommendations on 18 September 2023, this website has published three previous articles on the background, overview and...


The aiESG Data Scientist won a pitch at the GLOBAL INNOVATERS DAY organised by Fukuoka City.

(Left: Fukuoka Mayor Takashima; Right: aiESG Shinohara) In the Japanese-language category of the Global Innovators Day pitch contest held in Fukuoka City on Tuesday 5 March 2024, aiESG de...


Article on SBTs for Nature - science-based nature-related targets.

With growing interest in biodiversity and other natural capital, SBTs for Nature (Science Based Targets Network), published by the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN), has recently been attracting attention...


The results of a simplified ESG analysis of Arita porcelain using aiESG have been published by the town of Arita.

The results of the first ESG analysis conducted by aiESG on 'Arita-yaki' have been published by the town of Arita in Saga Prefecture. The analysis aims to quantify the ESG assessment of 'Arita-yaki', including its social aspects, and aiESG was in charge of analysing ...


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