

23 April aiESG President Managi will speak at a business conference for the construction industry.

Shunsuke Umanaki, President of aiESG, will be speaking at the business conference "Comprehensive review of operational efficiency and standardisation in the 'construction industry'" in Kumamoto on 23 April (Tuesday), 2024. Umanaki will speak on 'ESG management practices in the construction industry'...


An article on the current status of the SASB Standard and the Japanese companies that have adopted it is now available.

After 31 March 2023, the disclosure of sustainability information in securities reports and other documents becomes mandatory in Japan. The SASB (US Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) has proposed an international framework (standards for disclosure requirements)...

Press Release

aiESG analyses ESG risks in the supply chains of food companies.
- Published in the Climate & Nature Report 2024 of the Norinchukin Bank -.

(Head office: Hakata-ku, Fukuoka; Representative Director: Shunsuke Managi), a start-up company from Kyushu University that conducts quantitative ESG assessments, has announced that the Norinchukin Bank (Head office: Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Chairman of the Board: Kazuto Oku)...


Non-financial capital: article on human and natural capital published.

Concepts such as human capital and natural capital have rapidly spread in recent years as non-financial capital. Human resources and the environment are no longer regarded as costs or resources as they have been in the past, but as 'capital' that is the source of corporate activities, and is disclosed to the market...


Interview with aiESG Director Keeley in Jiji Bulletin.

SINGAPORE NOW! column in the 22 March 2024 edition of Jiji Press Asia ( 'AI use, development ...

Press Release

Collaboration between aiESG, an ESG quantitative analysis company, and METRIKA, an expert in designing and building data analysis platforms.
Efficient, precise and reliable ESG assessments are now possible.

(Head office: Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City; Representative Director: Shunsuke Managi), a start-up company from Kyushu University that conducts quantitative ESG assessments, and the Data Solution Kan...

Press Release

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An article on the current status of the SASB Standard and the Japanese companies that have adopted it is now available.

After 31 March 2023, the disclosure of sustainability information in securities reports and other documents becomes mandatory in Japan. The SASB (US Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) has proposed an international framework (standards for disclosure requirements)...


Non-financial capital: article on human and natural capital published.

Concepts such as human capital and natural capital have rapidly spread in recent years as non-financial capital. Human resources and the environment are no longer regarded as costs or resources as they have been in the past, but as 'capital' that is the source of corporate activities, and is disclosed to the market...


Interview with aiESG Director Keeley in Jiji Bulletin.

SINGAPORE NOW! column in the 22 March 2024 edition of Jiji Press Asia ( 'AI use, development ...


An article on aiESG's integrated report assessment service was published in the Yomiuri Shimbun.

On 22 March 2024, aiESG's integrated report evaluation service 'aiESG for IR' was introduced in an article on the use of AI in companies in the Yomiuri Shimbun. 'Illustrations in seconds', 'Unexpected answers'... Generating AI...


Article on integrated reporting published.

aiESG offers aiESG for IR, an integrated report evaluation service using a generative AI developed by the company. This service ensures consistency between social demands related to ESG disclosure and the integrated reports of the companies being evaluated...


aiESG Managing Director Manaki and Director Keeley were elected as G20 T20 Core Members.

Shunsuke Managi, President of aiESG, and Keeley Alexander Ryuta, Director and Chief Researcher (CR), are core members of the T20, the engagement group for the 2024 G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro...


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