
A commentary article on the Task Force on Inequality and Socially Relevant Financial Disclosures (TISFD) is available.


Frameworks for ESG disclosure, including the TCFD, TNFD and SASB, have been continuously updated in recent years, and companies need to consider a range of disclosures that are in line with the reality of their business and the demands of society.

In this issue, we have published a commentary on the Task Force on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosure (TISFD), which is gaining attention as a new task force following the TCFD and TNFD, introducing the objectives and approach of TISFD and explaining the developments surrounding social aspects of information disclosure. The article also explains the developments surrounding the disclosure of socially relevant information.

[Commentary] TISFD - Towards disclosure of social and inequality-related information.

We hope that through this article you will gain a better understanding of the situation. Please read on.

*Related page*.
Report list : Regulations/standards基準-規制/

Commentary] The importance of social aspects in non-financial information disclosure.

[The [ibid.Explanation] What is the TNFD? A new bridge between finance and the natural environment

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