
ESG management seminar report featuring Keeley, Director, aiESG.


On 2 November 2023 in Singapore, SPEEDA ASEAN and Ocean Network Express Pte. Ltd (ONE) jointly hosted a seminar entitledAsk the Pioneers, Carbon Neutral Frontline Series - Dejima Organisation and ESG management creating a new global trend.A report on the holding of the "The World of the World of the World of the World of the World of the World" is now available.

The report also includes a lecture by aiESG Director and Chief Researcher (CR) Keely Alexander Ryuta on 'New Trends in ESG Management, Global Trends and Solutions' and a panel discussion on a range of ESG-related topics.

Seminar Report] Ask the pioneers at the forefront of carbon neutrality.
〜˜Dejima Organisation and ESG Management - a new trend in the world.

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